Snakes & snails and Puppy Dog Tails...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I have been so busy the past week. Things have been so nuts around here. We are preparing for Alexander's second birthday. I really can't believe it. My baby is going to be 2. It blows my mind how far he has come. He is so smart and beautiful. We are having a party for him at a gymnastics place which should be alot of fun.

Yesterday we went to the pediatrician and my boys are doing wonderfully. Alex is 26lbs 6oz and he is 34 3/4inches. He is doing great. Developmentally he is ahead which makes me so happy.

Joshua is now 5 months old. He is growing so fast. He was 16lbs 2 oz and 27inches. He is very tall. He is in the 98th percentile for height. He has been eating cereal now for about a month and last night had vegetables for the first time. He had some squash and I don't think he knew what to make of it.

They are both getting so big and they love each other so much. Alex is constantly talking to Josh and kissing him and Joshua gets a kick out of Alex. He smiles and laughs and talks to him all the time.

Let me get back to them now. Alex and I are about to set up his trains. Have a good day.


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