Snakes & snails and Puppy Dog Tails...

Sunday, January 29, 2006

MIA once again...

Its been over two weeks. I feel like I have been so busy yet I have gotten nothing done.
Alexander's birthday party was a huge success. All the kids including Alex had a blast. The gymnastics party was the best idea. The kids ran around and had a huge ball. I have actually enrolled Alex in a Mommy and Me program once a week at a gymnastics place. The kids will be 24-36 months and it is 45 minutes. They do circle time, songs and then open play. Alex will love it. Its so hard for him being in the house most of the week. You would think with all the toys he got for Christmas and his birthday he would never ever be bored again but he does get bored. This will be a good outlet for him to expell some of his energy. I am also going to enroll him in a 3 class program at the local library. He should like that too. He loves being with other children. He is so friendly and loving. He loves to share. Hopefully, that won't change as he gets older. He is getting so big. He is definately not a baby anymore. He is such a big boy. But definately testing the waters. Terrible twos came with a vengence.
Joshua is doing well also. Getting very big. He is changing so much. He will be 6 months old. I can hardly believe it. Where has the time gone. He is already wearing 9 month clothing. He is much taller than Alex was at this age so many of his pants are like capris now. Again....time flies when you are having fun.
I saw Billy Joel last Thursday at Madison Square Garden. He was awesome of course. That is the seventh time I have seen him in the last 15 years. I love him. If I had money, I would see every show. Next week I will be seeing Mama Mia on Broadway. I am looking forward to that too. Its nice to get out. Expensive but nice.
Saturday we bought a new microwave cart and I cleaned my kitchen today. It looks great. My house is a mess. Its so hard to clean or do anything else with 2 boys. I am so behind on my scrapbooking. I haven't even started Joshua's book yet. Bad mommy. Well let me get back to the boys. Its almost bed time. HURRAY. I hope everyone is doing well and I will be sure to read everyone and leave comments soon. I promise!


At 12:20 AM, Blogger blessedmama said...

i find it SO STRANGE that both the younger boys are taller than their older siblings were at their age! bean weighs more and is taller than boo was.
i hope you are doing well sweetie!!!
i can't believe our boys are two years old and six months old. it is just enough to send me to tears. :(


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