Snakes & snails and Puppy Dog Tails...

Monday, November 07, 2005


My boys are getting so big. Let me start with Big Brother. He is saying everything now. He repeats almost everything you say to him. He is saying Please and Thank you. Its the most adorable thing I have ever heard. He sings all the songs to his favorite shows too. Very cute. He is starting to get his year molars now. He hasn't been cranky, just chewing on his hand. I feel bad for him. He now takes my hand sometimes and asks to go to the Potty. He never actually goes in the potty but its a start. I'm not forcing him. I will let him go at his own pace for now. He is doing wonderful in his "big boy bed". He doesn't fall out anymore. He loves being able to get up in the morning and play.

Little brother is getting so big also. He is cooing and talking so much now. He is smiling much more too. He is more serious than his big brother but still mostly happy. He is now sleeping through the night. He has a bottle at around 11pm then doesn't get up until between 5-6am. Its very nice. He is also now in the crib sharing a room with big brother. He seems to like the crib much better than the bassinet which I guess I can understand. I thought I would miss him being in my room more but I actually like this much better. He has his 3 month doctor appointment tomorrow so hopefully everything will check out ok. He seems to be doing well. He spits up so much more than Alex did. Its so gross. He is so active though. He kicks and moves around so much. He has already rolled from his stomach to his back a few times. I was thinking about trying the exersaucer already. He hold his head up so good and he loves to move his feet so maybe its time.

Not much else is going on. We finally finished the announcements. M did a great job. I will post it later. This week is so busy. I go to the doctor today. The boys go tomorrow. Thursday Alex and I are getting haircuts and Friday we are going for our Christmas pictures. I so hope the boys cooperate. Keep your fingers crossed.

If anyone gets a chance, you should really check out my AVON website. There are so many great gifts now for the holidays. If you order from the site, you can use your credit card and it will be shipped directly to you no matter where you live. If you live close by I can deliver it. Check it out!!!


At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric sleeps throught the night. He falls asleep around 11:30 pm and wakes at 6-7 in the morning. Im glad your boys are doing good. Alex seems so cute!! Hope you have a good day

At 10:57 PM, Blogger blessedmama said...

bean sleeps the same as josh. gets up once. he also seems a bit more serious than boo was, but he is still very happy and smiley. and SOOOOO sweet.
i haven't brought myself to put him in the crib yet. he seems so little, and i would miss him.
so alex does well with him in there, and they never wake each other up? i am afraid boo will try to help his baby by putting stuffed animals or toys in there with bean, and it will hurt him.
anyway, glad things are going well for you all.
i checked out the avon site for you. just because i hate it when people don't check my link. LOL. but i don't wear makeup and can't use anything else. :( hope you do well with it tho!
i'm anxious to see the announcement m made. ;)


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