Snakes & snails and Puppy Dog Tails...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

8 months already...

I can't belive my little baby is 8 months old. Time is flying by yet again. Joshua is growing so much. He is finally sitting up and "cruising." He makes his way around the living room now. He loves it. He gets up on all fours and rocks...its pretty funny. He is babbling like crazy too. He says Da Da Da all the time. We have to work on Ma ma ma. He is loving solid foods now and we have added cherios, zweiback cookies and gerber puffs to the menu. He finally likes to eat. He has 2 teeth on the bottom and I think the top ones are going to come through soon. I have to keep a bib on him because he doesn't stop drooling.

Alexander is also getting big. He talks up a storm. He doesn't stop. All he does all day is talk and sing. Its cute. He sings all the songs from his shows. He can actually tell me what he wants now which is nice...mostly. He can also tell me when something is hurting him. He is so smart. I can't even list all the things he can do there is so much.

So many people around me are pregnant or having babies....makes me wish I was pregnant again....then i snap out of it QUICK! We are done.


At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cant believe Eric is 6 and a half months already. His bottom tooth is gonna come in soon. He has to wear a bib all the time too. Or else everything is in a pool of baby drool. Glad everything is going good. Hope you have a great day!!


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