Snakes & snails and Puppy Dog Tails...

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Joshua's Announcement continued...

M made that announcement. It is so great. I love it. We actually have 2 different announcements. I ordered another announcement from a company online so that Josh and Alex would have similar ones but we also did this one and printed them out.

Joshua is now 13 weeks old. I can't believe it. Time is flying by again. He is 13lbs 10oz. and he is 24 3/4 inches long. He is so big. He is doing well. Smiling and cooing like crazy. Whenever Alex talks to him he smiles at him. Its so cute. Alex has been talking to him a bit more these days.

Alex is doing great too. I can't belive he will be 2 very soon. Its unbelievable to me. He is saying so much now. He says Please and Thank you. His new thing is when he burps he covers his mouth and says excuse me. He usually does fake burps and says excuse me but its so cute.
He sings the alphabet now too. He says most of his letters and even numbers. He knows everyone in our immediate familys name which is great.

We went to Target on Friday and had our Christmas pictures done. They seemed to come out really nice. This year we did a family photo. We never do that but I thought it would be nice for a change. We also did a photo with my brother and sister and we will have a large one made and framed for my mom. I also got alot of Christmas shopping done. I'm relieved about that. I still have some to do but the large majority is done. Now I just have to wrap.

I know I keep posting about the AVON website. I would really love for everyone to check it out. They really have some beautiful things and its so much easier to shop online than to go out to the crazy malls. It also saves you on gas! So check it out. If you register online, I will send you a beauty survey and I can do a personal color and skincare consultation for you for free. That will tell you what colors are right for you and what skin care routine you should follow for your skin type. It really is quite cool.


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