Almost 10 months

I have not updated in a while and I'm sorry. May is a busy month with my Birthday, M's birthday, Mother's Day, and a whole bunch of other birthdays. Joshua is now 9 months old. He is all of a sudden really growing. He is now pulling himself up. He does it in the pack n play and he takes some steps holding on to the sides. He is finally crawling all over. Im so relieved. I know they go at their own pace but I was beginning to worry. He has also been saying his first word sort of. He says "UP" but he puts his hands up to you and goes....P P P. Its cute of course. He is really doing well. I can't believe my babies are growing so quickly.
I hope everyone had a very Happy Mother's Day! I really do read everyone's blogs. I have been so bad lately with comments. I'm sorry. But I do think of all of you. Nikki....I can't sign into MSN for some reason. I have wanted to leave you comments but Im unable to. Just know that I'm thinking of you and I hope your very first Mother's Day was wonderful.
I am really really going to try to post more often. Tomorrow I will update you all on Alex.
Thank you...
Eric is 8 months. They do grow fast.
Have a GREAT day!
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