Another First for Alex.....

Today was Alexander's first trip to the beach. It was so much fun. He loved it. He pretty much dug in the sand all day. He ended up taking an hour nap which I was surprised about but I guess the sun makes ya tired. He was a little afraid of the water but he did get his feet wet. It ended up being a very nice day. I got toasted of course. I did put sunscrean on too but thats what happens when you have pasty white skin. Thank goodness Alex is 1/2 Italian!
i mentioned this on flickr, but these are so neat!
i can hardly wait to take the boys to the beach someday! :)
miss you and hope you're well.
yooohooo hope you and the boys are doing great. can you BELIEVE our big boys are two and a half and our baby boys are almost ONE?!?!??!!
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