I'm Back!

Wow, its been a while. I want to try to go around and read everyone and catch up. Its so hard to get on the computer these days long enough to even read my email. Having 2 boys is crazy. Now that the summer is here we do try to go out to the beach or the pool. The past 2 months have also been hectic for my soon to be two year old. Last month he fell face first into the stoop and got 4 stitches above his lip. A week after that he was evaluated for a delay in speech. Now this Tuesday, he will have surgery to have his tonsils and adenoids taken out. My poor little baby. So needless to say we have not had many dull moments in this house. Both boys are doing wonderful though. Alex is smart as a whip. He is definately in his defiant years and likes to test us. Joshua wants to do everything his big brother does including not listen. He will be 2 in less than a month. We are planning a big pirate birthday party for him. We are excited.
I hope everyone is doing well. I do try to read blogs but don't get too much chance to comment which I will try to change.
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