Snakes & snails and Puppy Dog Tails...

Friday, February 24, 2006

Uneventful couple of weeks....

I have not had much to say lately. Basically my life consists of my husband and my children. Thats about it. I spend my days entertaining my boys. I really need to do more housework. My house is a mess. Its hard to get anything done these days.

We got our new fridge. Its so beautiful. Its a side by side with filtered water and ice in the door. I love it. Our next project is to finish our basement so that we have a real playroom for the boys. I can't wait. We bought paint already, M just has to finish spackeling and sanding. I really can't wait til its done, it will make my life so much easier.

The boys are getting so big. Alexander doesn't stop talking. He is becomming a pest. He is constantly in his brothers face. They do love each other. Josh is starting to eat more solid now which im happy about. He didn't like it for a while but is starting to like it now. He is teething but so far no teeth yet.

As I said, not much to say. I hope everyone is doing well.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day...a little late!

Here are the boys on Valentine's Day. I am a crazy obsessed Mommy. Every holiday they wear cute little shirts. Actually concidering this one is for "Love Day" its actually pretty cool. I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Here is Alex and I playing in the snow. He had such a blast. He didn't want to come inside. This was the first time he really got to play in the snow. Fun Fun Fun.