Snakes & snails and Puppy Dog Tails...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

All's Quiet...

Its been so quiet around her lately....meaning my blog. I know I don't post as much as I should. The only thing going on with me these days are my boys and hubby. Not much else. I mean really....they are enough...

Boys are doing great. Both getting so big. Joshua is almost 9 months old already. I can't believe it. He is doing great. He found his voice....he loves screaming and of course Alex gets a kick out of that so they have screaming contests. Josh screams then Alex then Josh cracks up. Its really cute but I should now own stock in Tylenol. Otherwise, they are both doing well. Alexander is really testing the waters lately. He loves to say NO and MINE. I guess that is what a two year old does but sometimes he really tries my patience.

My cousin just had a baby girl. She named her Isabella Rose. That was going to be my daughters name if I had one. Part of me is sad that she used the name but I know I'm done having babies so I don't know why I am so sad. And we probably weren't really going to use Isabella anyway. M didn't like the sound of that name with our last name. We were kicking around Abigail or Madison. But anyway, I don't know why I feel sort of sad. I mean, don't get me wrong, Im so happy for my cousin and her husband. They delt with infertility and finally got pg. I am thrilled for them. Isabella is beautiful and healthy. Another cousin of mine had a baby a month ago and named him Joshua. That kind of sucked. I mean I'm not saying noone is allowed to name their baby the same name as any of my kids but gosh my kid is only 9 months old, she could have picked a different name. Not that we really see them all that often anyways but still.

I am so happy that the nicer weather is coming. I am so looking forward to playing outside, at the park and going to the pool. Alexander is so much happier when he can run and play outside. I have to go through all the boys clothes. I got rid of 3 bags full of 0-6 month stuff which was great. That also made me sad. Knowing that I am not having anymore. I gave them to my mom so when my sister has kids someday, she can hopefully use some of it. I also gave her a spare pack and play, and a gym-mini. I still have to get rid of more things. Joshua is done with the swings and the baby bath tubs and his bouncy seat now so I need to give that to my mom too. I really need to get this house in order. Ugh. Its such a mess.

Well now I am really just babbling so let me go to bed. I went from not saying anything to going on and on. Well, I hope everyone is doing great and leave me some comments and tell me how you are doing. I love hearing from everyone.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

8 months already...

I can't belive my little baby is 8 months old. Time is flying by yet again. Joshua is growing so much. He is finally sitting up and "cruising." He makes his way around the living room now. He loves it. He gets up on all fours and rocks...its pretty funny. He is babbling like crazy too. He says Da Da Da all the time. We have to work on Ma ma ma. He is loving solid foods now and we have added cherios, zweiback cookies and gerber puffs to the menu. He finally likes to eat. He has 2 teeth on the bottom and I think the top ones are going to come through soon. I have to keep a bib on him because he doesn't stop drooling.

Alexander is also getting big. He talks up a storm. He doesn't stop. All he does all day is talk and sing. Its cute. He sings all the songs from his shows. He can actually tell me what he wants now which is nice...mostly. He can also tell me when something is hurting him. He is so smart. I can't even list all the things he can do there is so much.

So many people around me are pregnant or having babies....makes me wish I was pregnant again....then i snap out of it QUICK! We are done.

Survey stollen from my friend Amanda....

Accent -- Lawng Island, New Yawk

Booze of choice -- anything fruity

Chore I hate -- Cleaning - in general. Mostly Dishes

Dog or cat -- Dog

Essential electronics -- Computer, TV.

Favorite cologne -- J Lo Glow or Clinique's Happy

Gold or silver? -- Both

Hometown -- Queens, New York

Insomnia? -- Yes

Job title -- Mom, Wife.

Kids -- Alexander 2 yrs old, Joshua 8 months old.

Living arrangement -- In a house with one husband, two sons a dog and a fish.

Most admired trait -- I don't know.

Number of sexual partners -- Seriously?

Overnight hospital stays -- 2 babies

Phobias -- drownding.

Quote -- "

Religion -- Catholic
Siblings -- Ashley and Brian

Time I wake up -- 7am.

Unusual talent -- being a slob? does that count....

Vegetable I refuse to eat -- okra

Worst habit -- being lazy

X-rays -- teeth, uterus

Yummy foods I make -- chicken frances.

Zodiac sign -- taurus.